Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday March 4th at 7 pm
Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday May 6 at 7:30 pm
Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday May 27 at 8:30pm
Big Bear Discovery Center on Sunday May 28 at 8:30pm
Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday June 24 at 8:30pm
Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday July 15 at 8:30pm
Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday Aug. 26 at 8:00pm
(Cancelled due to a scheduling conflict by the Discovery Center)
Big Bear Discovery Center on Friday Sept. 15th at 8:00pm
2007 Show Schedule
Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday May26th at 8:00pm
Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday June 9th at 8:00pm
Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday July 21st at 8:00pm
Big Bear Discovery Center on Saturday August 18th at 8:00pm

The first 'Lightning' show at The Big Bear Lake Discovery Center in March 2006
Picture showing Owens' equipment setup as used in the amphitheater
Six inch Tesla Coil showing spray
(Click on picture for arcs and sparks Tesla presentation)
Six inch Tesla Coil in operation in Laboratory
(Click on picture for a Tesla demonstration)
Six inch Tesla Coil drawing a power arc
(Click on picture for a video to see Tesla Coil in action)
Six inch Tesla Coil in operation showing ribbons
Eight inch Tesla Coil operating in front of the Laboratory
(Click on picture for a great Tesla Coil video)
Eight inch Tesla Coil operating in front of the Laboratory with Point Discharge
(Click on picture for a another great Tesla Coil video)
Lightning Screen invented by Ken Strickfaden, and built by Owen to be used in the show
(Click on picture for a short demonstration.)
Four foot Vertical Plasma Tube to be driven by X-ray transformer
(Click on photo to see Video of Plasma Tube in action.)
Giant Pinwheel Base and Striker
(shown with a minature pinwheel attached)
(Click on picture to see the Pinwheel in action.)
Large arcing wheel driven by x-ray transformer for the show
(Click on photo for a video demonstration.)
Large Jacobs' Ladder being driven by X-ray transformer (rods removed)
(Click on picture for a short video demonstration.)
Victorian Steampunk styled Jacobs' Ladder - original Karkus / Phairis design
(Click on photo for a video demonstration.)
New Project Completed: Magic Arcing Glass - October 2011
X-ray transformer that drives the Lightning Screen, Plasma Tube,
Pinwheel, Arcing Wheel, Magic Arcing Glass, and the Barrel Jacobs' Ladder.

New 240 volt power supply built to drive a 20 KV 10 KW pole transformer.
This will be used to replace the X-ray transformer to drive the largest Jacobs' Ladder.
The new power supply will also be used to drive the Conical Coil under reconstruction.
New Project: A Dual-Ended Tesla Coil for the Show - Fall / Winter 2011
Secondary wound on October 9th; Primary wound on November 9th, 2011
Click on picture above for a video of tests done on January 1st, 2012
New Project: Restoration of an old Conical Tesla Coil used on Stage and in the Movies.
New top-hat spacer to separate the coil from the torride, built July 20th, 2012.
Smaller stand alone motorized arcing wheel mounted on its base which also houses its HV transformer
(Original design by Steve Karkus of Electrical Effects and used in many Science Fiction movies)
(Click on picture for a video demonstration.)
Under Development: The Universe and Tesla Gravity
(Click on photo for a video demonstration.)
Steampunk styled Jacobs' Ladder designed and built by Owen Phairis
Steampunk styled Jacobs' Ladder designed and built by Owen Phairis
Steampunk styled Light Display that I found in an old curiosity shop
Steampunk styled Repulsion Coil designed and built by Owen Phairis
Four foot Horizontal Plasma Tube in operation using single ended rf driver
RF Tesla Coil using twin 811A tubes used in the Steampunk Show
Whimshurst Electrostatic Generator pictured with 2 small Van DeGraff generators
Old Radio with Steve Karkus' spinning wheel
Owen giving HV demonstration on Oct. 11, 2011 - Photo by Rick Keppler
Owen setting up the Lighning Screen - Photo by Rick Keppler
Edison incandescent lamp
1890s Victorian Steampunk Cart loaded with 19th Century Instruments
Owens' Geissler Tube Collection - circa 1890s
The 1890s Control Panel backdrop for the electrical stage show under construction
The eight foot long Steampunk Control Panel backdrop completed for the electrical stage show
Another shot of the Control Panel designed and built by Owen Phairis for the electrical stage show
A four foot Arcing Ring completed July 2011
Lightning Strike Targets used in the show
Inside the Trailer showing some of the stage props
Owens' Laboratory showing a collection of scientific high voltage equipment
The Laboratory showing some experimental electrical stage demonstration equipment
Photo of Owen Phairis by Steve Cole
Please call 909-806-5698 to schedule a show.

Proud Members of the following Organizations:
Tesla Universe
Steampunk Empire
Las Vegas Steampunk Society

Owens' Planetarium Projector and Science Museum
See and Learn about Planetarium Star Projectors (Click on image above to be transported to the Museum)

Owens' Television and Video Work

"and all of this shall come to pass, in Gods' good time." Captain Nemo
Owen Phairis, P.O. Box 3400, Big Bear Lake, California 92315